About Us

About Us

Initiated with the support of the Dreel Burn Investment Readiness Partnership, this website provides a united online presence for 'the voice' of the Dreel Burn.

Action and content is assembled through a broad collaboration of individuals, community groups and organisations, united by our vision to improve and restore the Dreel Burn and its surrounding environment.

Led by the community, our collaborative efforts will have multiple benefits to the communities of the East Neuk, as well as the natural capital in the burn and in the catchment, and the shellfish breeding and coastal fishing grounds.

We aim to address and transform local attitudes towards our burn to ensure that action taken is sustainable and enduring, and provides a long-term sustainable stewardship of the Dreel Burn.

Given the high levels of inter-connectiveness required to realise our goals, our collaboration is working within a governance context of interconnected partnerships and holistic decision making.

Click to learn more about various partners of the Dreel Burn.